Svensk Förening för Klinisk Nutrition
Prevention (112)
Lina Al-Adili, Uppsala 2023
The evaluation process of nutrition interventions for patients at risk of malnutrition: From a person-centred perspective
Erik Hulander, Göteborg 2022
Nutritional impact on health in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Jessica Samuelsson, Göteborg 2022
Dietary patterns among older adults - With focus on dementia and related biomarkers
Viktoria Wallin, Stockholm 2022
Mealtimes in palliative care contexts : Perspectives of patients, partners, and registered nurses
Maria Burman, Umeå 2021
Malnutrition and obesity among older adults, assessed by Mini Nutritional Assessment and the body mass index, respectively: prevalence and associations with mortality and urinary tract infection.
Ulrica Johansson, Umeå 2021
Complementary feeding based on Nordic foods. Effects on nutrient intake, growth, biomarkers and eating behavior
Mikael Karlsson, Uppsala 2021
Diet and sarcopenia: Swedish cohort studies in aging populations.
Stina Ramne, Lund 2021
Sugar consumption and cardiometabolic risk. With a focus on the urinary sucrose and fructose biomarkers.
Stina Bodén, Umeå 2020
Inflammation and risk of chronic diseases with a focus on colorectal cancer and the
impact of dietary patterns.
Maria Somaraki, Uppsala 2020
Parentchild feeding dynamics and childhood obesity: The importance of foreign
background and effects of early obesity treatment.
Camilla Olofsson, Stockholm 2020
Diet and postprandial risk markers for complications in type 2 diabetes.
Nor Adila Mhd Omar, Stockholm 2020
Dietary carbohydrate quality and health : focus on low-grade systemic inflammation and cardiometabolic risk factors
Åsa von Berens, Uppsala 2019
Nutrition, exercise and body composition in community-dwelling older adults: Effects on function, wellbeing and mortality.
Åsa Nybacka, Stockholm 2019
Hormonal and metabolic effects of diet and physical exercise in overweight/obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome
Malin Skinnars Josefsson, Uppsala 2018
Food service and nutritional care in Swedish elderly care. The progress of national actions and their local interpretations.
Alexandra Vulcan, Lund 2018
Nutrition and colorectal cancer - The role of BMI, sex, biomarkers and dietary index
Zayed Alsharari , Uppsala 2017
Dietary intake, fatty acid biomarkers, and abdominal obesity
Joana Alves Dias, Lund 2017
Diet and postmenopausal breast cancer with a focus on low-grade inflammation
Erika Berggren, Stockholm 2017
A continuing educational intervention in primary health care using the ConPrim model.
Linda Ekström, Lund 2017
Tailoring the course of postprandial glycaemia to bread : On the importance of viscous dietary fibre for acute and semi-acute glucose tolerance and appetite
Maria Lange, Uppsala 2017
Food safety learning in home and consumer studies: Teachers' and students' perspectives.
Pernilla Sandvik, Uppsala 1917
Rye bread in Sweden. Health-related and sensory qualities, consumer perceptions and consum,er patterns.
Christina-Alexandra Schulz, Lund 2017
The role of circulating biomarkers, genetics, and diet in kidney function
Jessica Magnusson, Stockholm 2016
Nutritional factors and allergic disease: from infancy to adolescence.
Julia Otten, Umeå 2016
Effects of a paleolithic diet and exercise on liver fat, muscle fat and insulin sensitivity.
Behnaz Shakersain, Stockholm 2016
Impact of nutritional status and diet on cognitive decline and survival
Erika Ax, Uppsala 2015
Dietary patterns identification and health implications in the Swedish population.
Malin Barman, Göteborg 2015
Long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in serum phospholipids - relation to genetic polymorphisms, diet and allergy development
in children.
Mariela Contreras, Uppsala 2015
Child nutrition in rural Nicaragua population-based studies in a translational society.
Hanna Henriksson, Linköping 2015
Development of body composition and its relationship with physical activity in healthy Swedish children : A longitudinal study until 4.5 years of age including evaluation of methods to assess physical activity and energy intake.
David Iggman, Uppsala 2015
Dietary fatty acids and cardiometabolic risk: Influence on lipoproteins, insulin resistance and liver fat.
Jolanda van Vliet, Linköping 2015
Balancing body perception during growth and development.
Jennie Ahlgren, Lund 2014
Personaliserad nutrition och etik.
Atika Khalaf, Stockholm 2014
Nutrition, weight status and physical activity in Saudi Arabia: with special focus on women.
Andrea Mikkelsen, Göteborg 2014
Children's hypersensitivity to cow's milk - Public health aspects and impact on families.
Viola Adamsson, Uppsala 2013
A healthy nordic diet and cardiometabolic risk factors intervention studies with special emphasis on plasma lipoproteins.
Susanna Kugelberg, Stockholm 2013
Public health nutrition in Europe: workforce development and policy change.
Zada Pajalic, Örebro 2013
Matdistribution till hemmaboende äldre personer ur flera perspektiv.
Staffan Berglund, Umeå 2012
Effects of iron supplementation on iron status, health and neurological development in marginally low birth weight infants.
Sofia Klingberg, Göteborg 2012
Dietary intake of naturally occurring plant sterols in relation to serum cholesterol and myocardial infarction - Epidemiological studies from Sweden and the UK.
Lena Maria Nilsson, Umeå 2012
Sami lifestyle and health: epidemiological studies from northern Sweden.
Helena Bjermo, Uppsala 2011
Dietary fatty acids and inflammation. Observational and interventional studies.
Lena Hallström, Stockholm 2011
Breakfast habits among European adolescents : The healthy lifestyle in Europe by nutrition in adolescence (HELENA) study.
Petra Jonsson Rydén, Umeå 2011
Toward an understanding of the barriers to and facilitators of dietary change.
Greta Snellman, Uppsala 2011
Boning up on vitamin D: Observational studies on bone and health.
Björn Sundström, Umeå 2011
On diet in ankylosing spondylitis.
Emma Patterson, Stockholm 2010
Dietary intakes of Swedish children and adolescents.
Hillevi Prell, Göteborg 2010
Promoting dietary change. Intervening in school and recognizing health messages in commercials.
Helen Rosenlund, Stockholm 2010
Protective factors in childhood allergy related to diet and lifestyle.
Maria Wennberg, Umeå 2010
Biomarkers of fish consumption and risk of stroke or myocardial infarction.
Susanne Eriksson, Göteborg 2009
Studies on nutrition, body composition and bone mineralization in healthy 8-yr-olds in an urban Swedish community.
Torgny Alstad, Göteborg 2008
On carbohydrate intake and dental status in the elderly.
Afsaneh Koochek, Stockholm 2008
Elderly Iranians in Sweden: The impact of migration on risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
Lena Martin, Stockholm 2008
Riskfaktorer för malnutrition vid esofaguscancerkirurgi.
Cecilia Olsson, Umeå 2008
Celiac disease in Swedish children and adolescents. Variations in incidence and essentials of gluten-free eating with a youth perspective.
Erika Rapp, Örebro 2008
Sensory, attitudinal and contextual aspects of the meal: health implications and connections with risk factors for coronary heart disease
and obesity.
Emily Sonestedt, Malmö 2008
Plant foods, plasma enterolactone and breast cancer - with a focus on estrogen receptor status and genetic variation.
Karin Vågstrand, Stockholm 2008
Eating habits among adolescents and their mothers: Stockholm Weight Development Study (SWEDES).
Inger Öhlund, Umeå 2008
Health implications of dietary intake in infancy and early childhood.
Tommy Jönsson, Lund 2007
Healthy satiety. Effects of paleolithic diet on satiety and risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
Annika Bylund, Umeå 2007
Phytoestrogens and prostate cancer: experimental, clinical, and epidemiological studies.
Benno Krachler, Umeå 2007
Diet & cardiometabolic disease. Dietary trends and the impact of diet on diabetes and cardiovascular disease in Northern Sweden.
Eva Warensjö, Uppsala 2007
Fatty acid desaturase activities in metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease: Special reference to stearoyl-CoA-desaturase
and biomarkers of dietary fat”.
Heléne Bertéus Forslund, Göteborg 2006
Meal patterns and obesity - does snacking play a role?
Achraf Daryani, Uppsala 2006
Diet and metabolic risk factors in immigrant women from the middle east and Swedish-born women: A cross-sectional study of
women from Iran, Turkey and Sweden.
Malin Haglund Garemo, Göteborg 2006
Nutrition and health in 4-year olds in a Swedish well-educated urban community.
Anna-Greta Mamhidir, Stockholm 2006
Meeting ethical and nutritional challenges in elder care: The life world and system world of staff and high level descision-makers.
Bethany van Guelpen, Umeå 2006
Folate in cancer and cardiovascular disease. Prospective studies from the population-based Northern Sweden healtch and disease study.
Fredrik Wowern, Lund 2006
Genetic factors and dietary salt intake as determinants of blood pressure and risk of primary hypertension
Maria Biörklund, Lund 2005
Health effects of foods enriched with cereal beta-glucans from cereals.
Inger Kull, Stockholm 2005
Infant feeding and allergy in children.
Annika Smedman, Uppsala 2005
Milk fat intake and conjucated linoleic acid (CLA) supplementation. Dietary markers and associations to clinical and biochemical characteristics.
Agneta Yngve, Stockholm 2005
Intake of fruit and vegetables in European children and their mothers, folate intake in Swedish children and health indicators.
Overweight, plasma, homocysteine levels and school performance.
Anneli Ambring, Göteborg 2004
Mediterranean inspired diet and cardiovascular health. Experimental and clinical studies.
Hilde Kristin Brekke, Göteborg 2004
Lifestyle intervention in first-degree relatives of patients with type 2 diabetes.
Torbjörn Lind, Umeå 2004
Iron and zinc in infancy. Results from experimental trials in Sweden and Indonesia.
Maria Magnusson, Göteborg 2004
Consumer perception of organic and genetically modified foods: Health and environmental considerations.
Agneta Sjöberg, Göteborg 2004
Food habits in Swedish adolescents. Meal pattern, food choice and bioavailability of iron 1994 and 2000.
Irene Mattisson, Lund 2003
Dietary fat as an exposure in epidemiological studis. Obervations in the Malmö Diet and Cancer cohort.
Magdalena Rosell, Stockholm 2003
Diet and the metabolic syndrome: A cross-sectional study of 301 men from Stockholm county.
Jacob Östberg, Lund 2003
What´s eating the eater? perspectives on the everyday anxiety of food consumption in late modernity.
Jenny Andersson, Uppsala 2002
Older women and food. Dietary intake and meals in self-managing and disabled swedish females living at home.
Ebba Bárány, Uppsala 2002
Trace elements in adolescents.
Christina Berg, Göteborg 2002
Influences on schoolchildren´s dietary selection. Focus on fat and fibre at breakfast.
Torbjörn Bildtgård, Uppsala 2002
Hur maten blev en risk: Medicinens bidrag till regleringen av det svenska ätandet.
Hans Fors, Göteborg 2002
Body composition and bone density in children and adolescents. Relation to growth hormone.
Kerstin Gustafsson, Uppsala 2002
Meals and food in older women: Health perceptions, eating habits and food management.
Hanna Sepp, Uppsala 2002
Pre-school children’s food habits and meal situation: Factors influencing the dietary intake at pre-school in a Swedish municipality.
Ylva Mattsson Sydner, Uppsala 2002
Den maktlösa måltiden. Om mat inom äldreomsorgen.
Peter Wallström, Lund 2002
Diet, lifestyle, antioxidants and biomarkers of cancer risk - an epidemiological report from the Malmö diet and cancer cohort.
Magnus Domellöf, Umeå 2001
Iron requirements of term, breast-fed infants: A study in Sweden and Honduras.
Christel Larsson, Umeå 2001
Young vegetarians and omnivores - dietary habits and other health-related aspects.
Charlotta Ljungberg, Lund 2001
Bra mat och dåliga varor: om förtroendefulla relationer och oroliga reaktioner på livsmedelsmarknaden.
Eva Lundin, Umeå 2001
The dietary fiber complex intestinal function and metabolic effects experimental and epidemiological studies.
Lena Normén, Göteborg 2001
Phytosterols. Effect of intake on cholesterol absorption and colon cancer risk.
Susan W. Andersson, Göteborg 2000
From birth to senescence. Studies on factors at birth and their relation to morbidity in women in adult life.
Agneta Hörnell, Uppsala 2000
Breastfeeding and introduction of other foods: A prospective longitudinal study in Sweden.
Ulla-Kaisa Koivisto Hursti, Uppsala 1997
Child food choice and the family.
Eva Svederberg, Lund 1997
Tänkande bakom val och användning av livsmedel: faktorer som medverkar till eller utgör hinder för förändring av matvanor.
i hälsofrämjande riktning.
Anneli Liukko, Stockholm 1996
Mat, kropp och social identitet.
Margareta Öhrvall, Uppsala 1996
Vitamin E and risk for coronary heart disease.
Erik Bergström, Umeå 1995
Cardiovascular risk indicators in adolescents. The Umeå Youth study.
Birgitta Sidenvall, Linköping 1995
The meal in geriatric care. Habits, values and culture
Staffan Lindeberg, Lund 1994
Apparent absence of cerebrocardiovascular disease in Melanesians. Risk factors and nutritional considerations”
Annica Sohlström, Stockholm 1993
Body fat during reproduction in a nutritional perspective: studies in women and rats.
Abstract ej tillgängligt
Birgitta Sundell, Umeå 1993
Food intake, fibrinolysis and risk factors for cardiovascular disease : studies with special focus on plasminogen activator inhibitor
type 1 (PAI-1).
Marianne Ekström, Umeå 1990
Kost, klass och kön.
Christina Fjellström, Umeå 1990
Drömmen om det goda livet. Livskvalitet och matvanor i ett uppväxande industrisamhälle: Stocka sågverk 1870-1980.
Gunnar Johansson, Stockholm 1990
Effects of a shift from a mixed diet to a lactovegetarian diet on some colon cancer associated characteristics.
Lillemor Abrahamsson, Uppsala 1978
Foods for infants and children in developing and industrialized countries. Nutritional, biochemical and educational aspects.
Bertil Steen, Göteborg 1977
Dietary habits and body composition. A report from the population study `70 year old people in Gothenburgh Sweden.
Gösta Samuelsson, Umeå 1971
An epidemiological study of child health and nutrition in a Northern Swedish county.