Svensk Förening för Klinisk Nutrition

Basal fysiologi och patofysiologi (64)
Marja Boaseus, Göteborg 2018
Body composition in women of reproductive age and during pregnancy. Method comparisons and gestational changes.
Louise Arvidsson, Göteborg 2017
Diets of European children, with focus on BMI, well-being, and families. The IDEFICS/I. Family cohort.
Ena Huseinovic, Göteborg 2016
From efficacy to effectiveness: Two randomized controlled trials of lifestyle intervention postpartum.
Fredrik Rosqvist, Uppsala 2016
Dietary fatty acids, body composition and ectopic fat results from overfeeding studies in humans.
Malin Barman, Göteborg 2015
Long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in serum phospholipids - relation to genetic polymorphisms, diet and
allergy development in children.
Emma Adlercreutz, Lund 2014
The Perfect Storm? Gluten and type 1 diabetes.
Anna Johansson Persson, Lund 2014
Effects of dietary fibre on the human metabolism and metabolome.
Helena Bjermo, Uppsala 2013
Dietary fatty acids and inflammation. Observational and interventional studies.
Stefan Pettersson, Göteborg 2013
Nutrition in olympic combat sports. Elite athletes’ dietary intake, hydration status and experiences of weight regulation.
Elin Chorell, Umeå 2011
Mapping the consequenses of physical exercise and nutrition on human health. A predictive metabolomics approach.
Matilda Ulmius, Lund 2011
Characterisation of dietary fibre properties to optimise the effects on human metabolism and the transcriptome.
Britt-Marie Iresjö, Göteborg 2010
Initiation of protein biosynthesis in mkeletal Muscles at feeding
Daniel Arvidsson, Göteborg 2009
Physical activity and energy expenditure in clinical settings using multisensor activity monitors.
Anne Nilsson, Lund 2007
Effects of indigestible carbohydrates and GI of cereal products on glucose metabolism, satiety and cognitive function
in healthy subjects. Emphasising mechanisms for glycaemic regulation at the acute, second and third meal.
Ann-Catherine Bramhagen, Lund 2006
Iron nutrition during early childhood, Factors influencing iron status and iron intake.
Stefan Branth, Uppsala 2006
Energy metabolic stress syndrome: Impact of physical actvity of different intensity and duration.
Adele Lambo, Lund 2006
Dietary fibre in fermented oats and barley.
Margareta Leeman, Lund 2006
Means to optimize the nutritional properties of starch in potato products. Impact on glycaemia, satiety and resistant starch content.
Mikael Nilsson, Lund 2006
Insulinogenic effects of milk- and other dietary proteins. Mechanisms and metabolic implications.
Ulf Nilsson, Lund 2006
Formation of carboxylic acids in rats and humans given indigestible carbohydrates. Effects of monomeric composition,
solubility, molecular weight and probiotics.
Else Hellebö Johanson, Göteborg 2005
Early perturbations in lipid metabolism in insulin resistance.
Ingrid Larsson, Göteborg 2005
Human body composition. Reference data and anthropometric equations. The metabolic syndrome and risk.
Inga Tjäder, Stockholm 2005
Muscle protein synthesis: Effects of metabolic stress and feeding.
Elisabeth Strandhagen, Göteborg 2004
Coffee and gene interaction. The effect on methionine and lipid metabolism.
Sung Hee Chung, Stockholm 2003
Impact of peritoneal solute transport rate on nutritional status amd clinical outcome in peritoneal dialysis patients.
Jessica Nilsson, Lund 2003
Antioxidative capacity in fruit and vegetables. Cultivar variation - storage conditions - human antioxidant status.
Michael B Svensson, Stockholm 2003
Endogenous antioxidants in human skeletal muscle and adaption in energy metabolism: With reference to exercise-training,
exercise-related factors and nutrition.
Joanna Uddén, Stockholm 2003
Glucocorticoid administration: Studies on weight regulation and metabolic implications.
Elin Östman, Lund 2003
Fermentation as a means of optimizing the glycaemic index. Food mechanisms and metabolic merits with emphasis on
lactic acid in cereal products.
Åsa Henningsson, Lund 2002
Content and distribution of short-chain fatty acids in the hindgut of rats fed various sources of indigestible carbohydrates.
Ulf Holmbäck, Uppsala 2002
Metabolic and endocrine responses to nocturnal eating.
Yvonne Linné, Stockholm 2002
Factors affecting weight development after pregnancy: The SPAWN (Stockholm Pregnancy and Women´s Nutrition) study”
Agneta Andersson, Uppsala 2001
Fatty acid composition in skeletal muscle. Influence of physical activity and dietary fat quality.
Helena Lindmark Månsson, Lund 2000
Bioactive proteins in bovine milk. Studies on glutathione peroxidase, lactoferrin and immunoglobulins.
Lena Ohlsson, Lund 2000
Digestion and absorption of galactolipids.
Eva Södergren, Uppsala 2000
Lipid peroxidation in vivo : Evaluation and application of methods for measurement.
Mette Axelsen, Göteborg 1999
Nocturnal and postprandial metabolism in diabetes mellitus.
Lars Ellegård, Göteborg 1999
Dietary effects on cholesterol absorption and excretion. Studies in ileostomy subjects.
Pia Karlsand Åkeson, Lund 1999
Nutrition in infancy - Clinical studies on dietary intake, metabolism and growth.
Marie Persson Moschos, Lund 1999
Selenoprotein P. Nutritional and clinical aspects.
Anders Fernström Stockholm 1998
Factors affecting body weight development and eating behaviour in patients on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis treatment.
Anders Forslund, Uppsala 1998
The effect of protein intake and physical exercise on energy turnover and substrate utilisation at energy balance in man.
Anna Maria Langkilde, Göteborg 1998
Nutritional effects of resistant starch and sugar-beet fibre. Short term studies in ileostomy subjects.
Ågot Lia, Göteborg 1997
Effects of oat fibre on nutrient absorption and sterol metabolism. Short-term studies in diabetic and ileostomy subjects.
Kaj Stenlöf, Göteborg 1997
On the regulation of energy expenditure in man.
Anna Berggren, Lund 1996
Formation, pattern and physiological effects of short-chain fatty acids. Impact of various indigestible carbohydrates.
Wenhu Huang, Lund 1996
Extracellular glutathione peroxidase. Purification, immunoassey, nutritional regulation and clinical aspects.
Anders Sjödin, Uppsala 1996
Energy and substrate metabolism in endurance exercise.
Britta Barkeling, Stockholm 1995
Studies on single meal eating behaviour.
Helena Liljeberg, Lund 1995
Nutritional properties of starch in bread. Impact of the choice of raw material and/or processing conditions.
Per Tidehag, Umeå 1995
Iron absorption and iron status related to diet - An experimental and epidemiological study.
Ann Gleerup, Göteborg 1994
Effect of calcium on iron absorption in man.
Yvonne Granfeldt, Lund 1994
Food factors affecting metabolic responses to cereal products.
Kerstin Gustafsson, Lund 1994
Metabolic effects of fibre-rich foods - studies on vegetables, oats and wheat on glucose and lipid metabolism, and satiety.
Benny Petersson, Stockholm 1994
Surgical trauma and postoperative nutrition: A longitudinal study of muscle protein metabolism.
Abstract: Ej tillgängligt.
Maria Lennernäs, Uppsala 1993
Nutrition and shift work: The effect of work hours on dietary intake, meal patterns and nutritional status parameters.
Lena Davidsson, Göteborg 1989
Manganese absorption: studies in humans with special reference to infant diets.
Inga Torsdottir, Göteborg 1989
Dietary effects on glycemic response and gastic emptying in man: an experimental study in healthy and diabetic subjects.
Ingvar Bosaeus, Göteborg 1987
Dietary effects on bile acid and cholesterol excretion in man.
Barbro Hagander, Lund 1987
Fibre and the diabetic diet. An evaluation of the metabolic response to standardized meals.
Margareta Nyman, Lund 1985
Fermentation of dietary fibre in the intestinal tract.
Inger Björck, Lund 1984
Nutritional properties of wheat products processed by HTST extrusion cooking.
Ann-Sofie Sandberg, Göteborg 1982
Dietary fibre - determination and physiological effects. A study on ileostomy patients.
Olle Hernell, Umeå 1974
Human milk lipases. Properties and physiological implications.